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A Selected Bibliography

Catherine Morris

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)

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This bibliography is in need of updating; your suggestions are invited. See the UNCITRAL Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) resources.

Almaguer, Alejandro E., and Roland Baggott III. "Shaping New Legal Frontiers: Dispute Resolution for the Internet." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 13 (1998): 711-748.

Alqudah, M. A. "Enforceability of Arbitration Clauses in Online Business-to-Consumer Contracts." Journal of international arbitration 28(1)(2011):67-79.

Baecker, R.M., ed. Readings in Groupware and Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: Assisting Human-Human Collaboration. San Francisco, CA: Morgan-Kaufman Publishers, 1993.

Bordone, Robert C. "Electronic Online Dispute Resolution: A Systems Approach: Potential, Problems, and a Proposal." Harvard Negotiation Law Review 3(Spring, 1998): 175.

Bowers, M. G. "Implementing an Online Dispute Resolution Scheme: Using Domain Name Registration Contracts to Create a Workable Framework." Vanderbilt Law Review 64(2011):1265-1309.

Bowers, J.M., S.D. Benford, eds. Studies in Computer Supported Cooperative Work Theory, Practice, and Design. New York: North-Holland, 1991.

Brannigan, Colm. "Online Dispute Resolution." In Alternative Dispute Resolution Practice Manual, edited by Allan Stitt, 6901-53. Looseleaf Service. North York, Ontario: CCH Canadian Limited, 1996.

Brown, S., et al. "Linking Multiple Accounts with GIS as Decision Support System to Resolve Forestry/Wildlife Conflicts." Journal of Environmental Management 42 (1994): 349-364.

Burns, Tom, and Reinhard Ueberhorst. Creative Democracy: Systematic Conflict Resolution and Policymaking In a World of High Science and Technology. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1988.

Calliess, Gralf-Peter. "Online Dispute Resolution: Consumer Redress in a Global Market Place." German Law Journal 7(8)(2006): 647-660.

Cole, Sarah Rudolph, and Kristen M. Blankley. "Online Mediation: Where We Have Been, Where We Are Now, and Where We Should Be." University of Toledo Law Review 38(2006): 193.

Cona, Frank A. "Application of Online Systems in Alternative Dispute Resolution." Buffalo Law Review 45(1997): 975

Conley Tyler, Melissa, and Jackie Bornstein. "Accreditation of on-line dispute resolution practitioners." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 23(3)(2006): 383-404.

Conley Tyler, Melissa H., and Mark W. McPherson. "Online dispute resolution and family disputes." Journal of Family Studies 12(2)(2006): 165-183.

Cooper, S. and others. "From Lex Mercatoria to Online Dispute Resolution: Lessons From History in Building Cross-Border Redress Systems." Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 43(3)(2011):749-771.

Cortós, Pablo. Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union. Oxford, New York: Routledge, 2010.

Davis, Benjamin G., and Alan Gaitenby. "ICODR 2004: Enhancing Understanding, Part 2." Asian Dispute Review (November, 2004): 79-81.

Donahey, M. Scott. "Dispute Resolution in Cyberspace." Journal of International Arbitration 15(4) (1998): 127-168.

Dunlop, C. and R. Kling, eds. Computerization and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices San Diego: Academic Press, 1991.

Ebner, Noam, and Colleen Getz. "ODR: The Next Green Giant." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 29(3)(Spring 2012):283-307.

Eisen, Joel B. "Are We Ready for Mediation in Cyberspace?" Brigham Young University Law Review 1998: 1305-1358.

Exon, Susan Nauss. "The Next Generation of Online Dispute Resolution: The Significance of Holography to Enhance and Transform Dispute Resolution" Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 12 (2011):19-54.

Femenia, Nora. "ODR and the Global Management of Customers' Complaints: How Could ODR Techniques be responsive to Different Social and Cultural Environments?" Paper presented at OECD Conference "Building Trust in the Online Environment: Business-to Customer Dispute Resolution;" The Hague, Holland. 2000.

Gaitenby, Alan. "The Fourth Party Rises: Evolution of Environments of Online Dispute Resolution." In Symposium on Enhancing Worldwide Understanding Through Online Dispute Resolution. University of Toledo Law Review 38(1)(Fall 2006).

Gaitenby, Alan. "Online Dispute Resolution" In The Internet Encyclopedia. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004.

Gaitenby, Alan. "ODR – The American Experience" chapter in Online Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems Giuffrè Editore, Milan, Italy (Fall 2001).

Grief, Irene. Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings San Francisco: Morgan Kaufman, 1988.

Haloush, H. A. "The Authenticity of Online Alternative Dispute Resolution Proceedings." Journal of International Arbitration 25(3)(2008):355-364.

Hörnle, Julia. Cross-Border Internet Dispute Resolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Hörnle, Julia. Cross-Border Internet Dispute Resolution Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Johnson, David R. "Dispute Resolution in Cyberspace." New Jersey Law Journal (1994) 136: 10.

Karamon, Martin C. "ADR on the Internet." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 11(1996): 537.

Katsh, Ethan. "Dispute Resolution Without Borders." First Monday 11(2)(2006)

Katsh, Ethan, et. al. "Is There An App For That? Electronic Health Records (EHRs) And A New Environment Of Conflict Prevention And Resolution." Law and Contemporary Problems 74(2011): 31.

Katsh, Ethan. "Online Dispute Resolution: Some Implications for the Emergence of Law in Cyberspace" LexElectronica 10(3)(Fall, 2005)

Katsh, Ethan. "Online Dispute Resolution." In Handbook of Dispute Resolution, ed. Michael L. Moffitt and Robert C. Bordone. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005.

Katsh, Ethan. "Bringing Online Dispute Resolution to Virtual Worlds: Creating Processes Through Code." New York Law School Law Review (2004): 1101-1121.

Katsh, Ethan. "Online Dispute Resolution: Designing New Legal Processes for Cyberspace." National Center for Technology and Dispute Resolution, University of Massachusetts, 2007.

Katsh, Ethan. "Online Dispute Resolution." E-commerce and Development Report 2003 177-203. Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2003.

Katsh, Ethan. "Online Dispute Resolution: Some Lessons from the E-Commerce Revolution." Northern Kentucky Law Review 28(2001): 810.

Katsh, Ethan. "Online Dispute Resolution: Building Institutions in Cyberspace." University of Connecticut Law Review 28 (1996): 953-980.

Katsh, Ethan, and Janet Rifkin. Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2001. read a review. read another review.

Katsh, Ethan, and Janet Rifkin. "The New Media and a New Model of Conflict Resolution: Copying, Copyright, and Creating." Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 6(1992): 49-74.

Katsh, Ethan, and J. Rifkin, Online Dispute Resolution: Resolving Conflicts in Cyberspace San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001.

Katsh, Ethan, Janet Rifkin, and Alan Gaitenby. "Ecommerce, E-disputes, and E-dispute Resolution: In the Shadow of 'eBay Law'." Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution 15(3)(2000): 705-734.

Katsh, Ethan, and Leah Wing. "Ten Years of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR): Looking at the Past and Constructing the Future." University of Toledo Law Review 38(2006): 101.

Kaufmann-Kohler, Gabrielle, and Thomas Schultz. Online Dispute Resolution: Challenges for Contemporary Justice. Netherlands: Kluwer, 2004.

Larson, David Allen. "Artificial Intelligence: Robots, Avatars, and the Demise of the Human Mediator." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 25(1)(2010): 105-63.

Larson, David Allen. "'Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?' Technology Can Reduce Dispute Resolution Costs When Times Are Tough and Improve Outcomes." Nevada Law Journal 11 (2011): 523-59.

Larsen, David Allen, et al. "The First International Competition for Online Dispute Resolution: Is this Big, Different and New?" International Journal of Arbitration 19(4)(August 2002): 379.

Larson, David Allen. "Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution (TMDR): A New Paradigm for ADR." Ohio State Journal of Dispute Resolution 21(2006): 629

Lodder, Arno R., and John Zeleznikow. Enhanced Dispute Resolution Through the Use of Informaiton Technology Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Lide, E. Casey. "ADR and Cyberspace: The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Online Commerce, Intellectual Property and Defamation." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 12 (1996): 192-222.

Lloyd, Peter. Groupware in the 21st Century: Computer Supported Co-operative Working Toward the Millennium London, UK: Adamantine Press Ltd., 1994.

Macduff, Ian. "Flames on the Wires: Mediating from an Electronic Cottage." Negotiation Journal (January 1994): 5-13.

Mitchell, Rosanne T. "Resolving Domain Name-Trademark Disputes: A New System of Alternative Dispute Resolution is Needed in Cyberspace." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 14 (1998):157-192.

Morton, Michael S. Scott, ed. The Corporation of the 1990s: Information Technology and Organizational Transformation US: Oxford University Press, 1991.

Muñoz-López, José. Edgardo. Internet Conflict of Laws: A space of opportunities for ODR. Revista Colombiana de Derecho Internacional 14(2009):163-190.

Nagel, S. S. and M. K. Mills. "Multicriteria Dispute Resolution Through Computer-Aided Mediation Software." Mediation Quarterly 7(2) (1989): 175-189.

National Center for Automated Information Research (NCAIR). Conference on Online Dispute Resolution. Washington D.C, May 22, 1996.

Nyhard, J. and D. Samarasan. "The Elements of Negotiation Management: Using Computers to Help Resolve Conflict." Negotiation Journal 9 (1987): 43-62.

Olson, G.M. et al. Computer Augmented Teamwork: Flexible Facilities for Electronic Meetings. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.

Olson, M.H. Technological Support for Work Group Collaboration Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum and Associates, 1989.

Osterweil, Leon al. "Analyzing processes for E-Government Application Development: The Emergence of Process Definition Languages." Journal of E-Government 1(2005): 63.

Perritt. "Dispute Resolution in Cyberspace: Demand for New Forms of ADR." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 15(2000): 675-702.

Perritt, Henry H., Jr. "Dispute Resolution in Electronic Network Communities." Villanova Law Review 38 (1993): 349.

Philippe, M. "Now Where Do We Stand With Online Dispute Resolution (ODR)?"/ "Et maintenant où en sommes-nous avec la résolution des litiges en ligne (ODR)? Revue de droit des affaires internationales." International Business Law Journal 6(2010):563-576. English and French.

Poblet, Marta, ed., Mobile Technologies for Conflict Management: OnlineDispute Resoluiton, Governance, Participation. Springer, 2011.

Ponte, Lucille M., and Thomas Cavenagh. Cyberjustice: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for Ecommerce London: Prentice Hall, 2004.

Post, David G. "Anarchy, State and the Internet: An Essay on Law Making in Cyberspace." Journal of Online Law Article 3, 1995.

Rabinovich-Einy, Orna. "Technology's Impact: The Quest for a New Paradigm for Accountability in Mediation." Harvard Negotiation Law Review 11(2006): 253.

Rainey, Daniel. "Keynote: Symposium on Enhancing Worldwide Understanding Through Online Dispute Resolution." University of Toledo Law Review 11.

Rule, Colin. Online Dispute Resolution for Business: For E-Commerce, B2B, Consumer, Employment, Insurance, and other Commercial Conflicts. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. read a review.

Rule, Colin, et al. "Online Small Claim Dispute Resolution Developments: Progress on a Soft Law For Cross-Border Consumer Sales and the Development of a Global Consumer Law Forum." Uniform Commercial Code Law Journal 43(1)(2010): 419-441.

Schneider, Michael E., and Christopher Kuner. "Dispute Resolution in International Electronic Commerce." Journal of International Arbitration (1997): 5.

Schrage, Michael. Shared Minds: The New Technologies of Collaboration New York: Random House, 1990.

Schultz, Thomas. Information Technology and Arbitration. Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2008.

SchWeber, Claudine. "Your Telephone May be a Party Line: Mediation by Telephone." Mediation Quarterly 7(2) (Winter 1989): 191-95.

Shell, Richard. "Computer-Assisted Negotiation and Mediation: Where We Are and Where We Are Going." Negotiation Journal (April 1995): 117.

Smith, Marc, and Peter Kollock, eds. Communities in Cyberspace. London: Routledge, 1999.

Solovay, Norman, and Cynthia K. Reed, The Internet and Dispute Resolution. Law Journal Seminars Press, 2003.

Stulberg, Joseph B. "Mediation, Democracy and Cyberspace." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resoution 15 (2000): 619.

Susskind, Richard. The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of Information Technology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996

Syme, David. "Keeping pace: On-line technology and ADR services." Conflict Resolution Quarterly 23(3)(2006): 343-357.

Tapscott, Don, and Art Caston. Paradigm Shift: The New Promise of Information Technology New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993.

Thiessen, Ernest, and Daniel P. Loucks. "Computer Assisted Negotiation of Multiobjective Water Resources Conflicts" Water Resources Bulletin 28(1) (February 1992): 163-177.

Thiessen, E.M., D.P. Loucks, and E.R. Stedinger. "Computer-Assisted Negotiation of Water Resources Conflicts." Group Decision and Negotiation (March 1998): 109-129.

Wahab, Mohamed D., Ethan Katsh, and Daniel Rainey. Online Dispute Resolution: Theory and Practice. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2012.

Wang, Fay Fangfei. Online Dispute Resolution: Technology, Management and Legal Practice from an International Perspective New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2008.

Wang, Faye Fangfei. "Online dispute resolution." In Law of electronic commercial transactions: contemporary issues in the EU, US, and China, 151-164. London: Routledge, 2010.

Wang, Faye Fangfei. Online Dispute Resolution: Technology, Management and Legal Practice From an International Perspective. Oxford: Chandos, 2009.

Ware, Stephen J., and Sarah R. Cole, eds., "ADR in Cyberspace 2000 and Beyond." Symposium, Ohio State University Law School, November 11, 1999. Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 15(3) (2000): 589-793.

Wheeler, Michael. "Computers and Negotiation: Backing into the Future." Negotiation Journal (April, 1995): 171.

Yeend, Nancy Neal. "Electronic Alternative Dispute Resolution System Design." Mediation Quarterly 11 (2) (Winter 1993): 193-94.

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