Catherine Morris
Mandatory and Court-Annexed Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Processes
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See also the bibliographies on Caseflow Management and Designing Systems for Conflict Management. Please also consider the bibliography on critical perspectives on Critical Perspectives on ADR. This bibliography is in need of updating, and you are invited to make suggestions.
Arbuthnot, Jack, and Donald A. Gordon. "Does Mandatory Divorce Education for Parents Work?" Family and Conciliation Courts Review 34 (1996): 60.
Baar, Carl. "Mandatory Mediation in Child Protection Cases." Canadian Lawyer 22(6)(1998) 32.
Birke, Richard. "Mandating Mediation of Money: The Implications of Enlarging the Scope of Domestic Relations Mediation from Custody to Full Service." Willamette Law Review 35 (3)(1999): 485-522.
Brands, Bethany Verhoef, et al. "The Iowa Mediation Service: An Empirical Study of Iowa Attorneys' Views on Mandatory Farm Mediation." Iowa Law Review 79 (1994): 653.
Cohen, I. "Mandatory Mediation: A Rose by Any Other Name." Mediation Quarterly 9(1)(1991): 33-46.
Crawford, Michael G. "Alternative Dispute Resolution : Ontario's Mandatory Mediation." Canadian Lawyer 22(5)(1998): 33.
Dawson, Jeffrey L. "The Constitutionality of Mandatory Farmer Lender Mediation: The Minnesota Plan: Laue v. Production Credit Association (390 N.W.2d 823 (Minn.))." Missouri Journal of Dispute Resolution (1988): 237-245.
Duryee M. A. "Mandatory Court Mediation: Demographic Survey and Consumer Evaluation of One Court Service. Executive Summary". Conciliation Courts Review 30(2)(1991): 261-267.
Eaton, Sarah. "Mandatory Mediation and Summary Jury Trial: Guidelines for Ensuring Fair and Effective Processes." Harvard Law Review 103 (1990): 1806.
Eisele, G. Thomas. "The Case Against Mandatory Court Annexed ADR Programs." Judicature 75 (1991): 34-40.
English, Richard D. "Alternative Dispute Resolution: Sanctions for Failure to Participate in Good Faith In, or Comply With Agreement Made In, Mediation." American Law Reports 43 (5th) (1996): 545.
Fitz-James, Michael. "The Impact of Mandatory Mediation on Legal Culture." Law Times 12(12) (2001):1.
Gagnon, Andree G. "Ending Mandatory Divorce Mediation for Battered Women." Harvard Women's Law Journal. 15 (1992): 272-94.
Geelhoed, Robyn J., Karen R. Blaisure, and Margie J. Geasler. "Status of Court-Connected Programs for Children Whose Parents Are Separating or Divorcing." Family Court Review 39 (4) (October 2001): 393.
Generous, Teresa A., and Katherine D. Knocke. "'CAMP'ing Is On The Rise: A Survey of Judicially-Implemented Pre-Argument Conference Programs in the United States Circuit Courts of Appeal." Missouri Journal of Dispute Resolution (1987): 89-109.
Golann, Dwight. "Making ADR Mandatory: The Constitutional Issues." Oregon Law Review 68 (1989): 487-568.
Gordon, Elizabeth Ellen. "Why Attorneys Support Mandatory Mediation." Judicature 82 (5)(March-April 1999): 224-231.
Goundry, Sandra, Yvonne Peters, and Rosalind Currie. Family Mediation in Canada: Implications for Women's Equality. A Review of the Literature and Analysis of Data from Four Publicly Funded Canadian Mediation Programs. Ottawa: Status of Women Canada, 1998.
Hann, Robert G., and Carl Baar. Evaluation of the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program (Rule 24.1): Final Report - The First 23 Months. Alberta: Queen's Printer, 2001.
Hanna, S. Sue. "What's New in Alternative Dispute Resolution?: Mandatory Mediation Dawns." Canadian Lawyer 21(5)(1997): 35.
Hughes, Patricia. "Mandatory Mediation: Opportunity or Subversion." Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice 19 (2001): 161.
Ingleby, R. "Court Sponsored Mediation: The Case against Mandatory Participation." Modern Law Review 56 (1993): 441-51.
Jordan, Ellen R. "Should Litigants Have a Choice Between Specialized Courts and Courts of General Jurisdiction?" Judicature 66(1)(1982): 14-27.
Kelly, Joan B. The Determination of Child Custody in the USA. Unpublished, n.d. Online at
Kovach, Kimberlee K. "Good Faith in Mediation - Requested, Recommended, or Required? A New Ethic." South Texas Law Review 38 (2) (1997): 575-623.
Lippert, Owen. "The Mandatory ADR Tariff is Too Low." Canadian Lawyer 22(4)(1998): 11.
Lubet, Steven. "Some Early Observations on an Experiment with Mandatory Mediation." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution. 4 (1989): 235-254.
Macfarlane, Julie. Culture Change? Commercial Litigators and the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2001. Available online at
Macfarlane, Julie. "Culture Change? A Tale of Two Cities and Mandatory Court-Connected Mediation." Journal of Dispute Resolution (2002): 241-325.
Macleod, Leslie H., Elana H. Fleischmann, and Anne DeMelo. "The Future of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Ontario: Mechanics of the Mandatory Mediation Program." Advocates' Quarterly 20 (4) (1998): 389.
Mandhane, Renu. The Trend Towards Mandatory Mediation: A Critical Feminist Legal Perspective. Toronto: Ontario Women's Justice Network, August 1999.
Maxwell, Jennifer P. "Mandatory Mediation of Custody in the Face of Domestic Violence: Suggestions for Courts and Mediators." Family and Conciliation Courts Review 37 (3) (July 1999): 335-55.
McEwen, Craig A. et al. "Bring in the Lawyers: Challenging the Dominant Approaches to Ensuring Fairness in Divorce Mediation." Minnesota Law Review 79 (1995): 1317, 1330-48.
McHale M. Jerry. "The Notice to Mediate: An Update." The Advocate 58(1)(2000): 53-58.
McIsaac H. "Mandatory Conciliation: Custody Visitation Matters, California's Bold Stroke." Conciliation Courts Review. 19(2)(1981): 78-81.
Minnesota Family Farm Law Project. Mediation from the Farmer's Perspective 2nd edition. St. Paul, Minn: Minnesota Family Farm Law Project, 1988.
Moberly, Robert. "Ethical Standards for Court-Appointed Mediators and Florida's Mandatory Mediation Experiment." Florida State University Law Review 21(3) (Winter 1994): 702-727.
Munro, M. Melinda. "Musings on the Consequences of Mandatory Mediation." The Advocate 57(2)(1999): 193-200.
Nelle, Andreas. "Making Mediation Mandatory: A Proposed Framework." Journal on Dispute Resolution 7(2) (1992): 287-313.
Ontario Civil Rules Committee. Evaluation Committee. Report of the Evaluation Committee for the Mandatory Mediation Rule Pilot Project. Toronto: Ontario. Civil Rules Committee. Evaluation Committee, 2001.
Pepper, Randy A. "Mandatory Mediation: Ontario's Unfortunate Experiment in Court Annexed ADR." Advocates' Quarterly 20(4)(1998): 403.
Ross, Norman. "Should Court Mediation Be Mandated?" The Law Society Gazette 29(1995): 283.
Schmidt, Walter G. "Farm Debt Mediation: Drafting Legislation to Ensure Administrative Efficiency and Procedural Fairness." Journal of Agricultural Taxation and Law 11(1989): 99.
Sherman, Edward F. "Court-Mandated Alternative Dispute Resolution: What Form of Participation Should be Required?" Southern Methodist Law Review 46 (1993): 2079-2112.
Sherman, Edward F. "Good Faith Participation in Mediation: Aspirational, Not Mandatory." Dispute Resolution Magazine (Winter 1997): 14.
Smith, Gary. "Unwilling Actors: Why Voluntary Mediation Works, Why Mandatory Mediation Might Not." Osgoode Hall Law Journal 36 (4)(1998): 847-85.
Spencer, D. "Mandatory Mediation and Neutral Evaluation: A Reality in NSW." Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal 11 (2000): 237.
Stark, Barbara. "Guys and Dolls: Remedial Nurturing Skills in Post-Divorce Practice, Feminist Theory, and Family Law Doctrine." Hofstra Law Review 26 (2)(Winter 1997): 293-376.
Tenerowicz Matthew A. "Case Dismissed - or Is It? Sanctions for Failure to Participate in Court-mandated ADR" Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 13 (1998): 975.
Teplitsky, Martin. "Universal Mandatory Mediation: A Critical Analysis of the Evaluations of the Ontario Mandatory Mediation Program." The Advocate's Society Journal 20(3)(2001): 10-14.
Watson Hamilton, Jonnette. "Protecting Confidentiality in Mandatory Mediation: Lessons from Ontario and Saskatchewan." Queen's Law Journal 24 (1999): 561.
Willardson, Neil D. "Alternative Dispute Resolution in Farmer-Lender Disputes: Mandatory Mediation in Minnesota." Law and Inequality: A Journal of Theory and Practice 5 (1988): 487-511.
Winston, David S. "Participation Standards in Mandatory Mediation Statutes: 'You Can Lead A Horse to Water...'." Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution11 (1996): 187-
.Wissler, Roselle L. "The Effects of Mandatory Mediation: Empirical Research on the Experience of Small Claims and Common Pleas Courts." Willamette Law Review 33 (1997): 565-604.
Zylstra, Alexandria. "The Road from Voluntary Mediation to Mandatory Good Faith Requirements: A Road Best Left Untraveled." Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers 17 (1) (2001): 69-103.
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Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography (formerly Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography). Copyright 1997-2023 Catherine Morris. All rights reserved.